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- Written by Keith
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 4409
Last day in paradise. Time to get away from the tourist resort. Having been on the scooter yesterday, we discovered other parts of the island to explore. So we decided to do our last big meal at a tiny beach at the end of the island.
A twenty minute ride on a sidecar type motorcyle, we arrive at our destination - Puka Grande. Really. That is hopefully the given name, and not the name everyone calls the place after eating.
What a great menu and meal. Nothing elegant - plastic tables, plastic garden chairs. Six tables host a couple of nationalities, but everything is an island pace.
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- Written by Keith
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 2514
A gentleman wouldn't tell stories, but I have never been accused of being a gentleman.
Debbie and I had planned to rent a scooter. That was always on the schedule. So that is what we did. Then we got on their newest model. Perfect in every way. And we took off.
Then Debbie began to cry in my ear. I mean, sob. Scared. Really scared. But she pushed through it and then it became fun. Ultimately we ended up covering some of the same territory twice; she couldn't see some of it through the tears. And we laughed.
Fear does have the ability to grip you tightly. Sometimes it is an early warning system that protects you from stupid decisions. Sometimes it keeps you from any risk and you won't see things that are beautiful.
I'm glad she pushed through the tears and the rest of the ride was an absolute delight.
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- Written by Keith
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 2592
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- Written by Keith
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 2626
A gecko is crawling across the ceiling. The music of the boardwalk is starting to get louder. The sunset has just painted an incredible canvas of God's beauty.
Debbie and I have taken four days to unwind. Even though we have had some great destinations, this is one of the few times that we have been away just for us, just to renew a relationship.
Turning off the responsibilities is going to have to be choice. In the light of the internet, blackberry instant messenger, facebook - work will simply not go away on it's own. There are demands, decisions to be made, people wanting to be paid.
Something inside wants to give everyone and everything else priority. Philippians 2 makes it clear that we are to emulate Christ - to count others more important than we are. But here is the kicker - once that is deeply imbedded as the way of doing life, resting for future ministry is going to take effort.
So today we let the fish nibble at our feet. And laughed together. And we enjoy one another.
And somehow I honestly believe that God is honored.
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- Written by Keith
- Category: Blog
- Hits: 3887
Although we have been so busy with meetings in the historic Bible Baptist Church of Cebu City, I have found a little time to shoot a few fotos. Very few.
Today Debbie and I slipped out of the hotel, avoided meetings and headed to see the historic site of Magellan's Cross, which is also right outside the first catholic church founded in the Philippines. Some strange mediums are willing to seek your fortunes inside the confines of the church - a wierd combination of candles and the occult.
Not far from those sites is the old fort; a triangular fort (three sides are easier to defend than a four sided object). Having contracted some kind of stomach bug, I cut the afternoon short. Tomorrow morning we head to one of the prettiest beaches in the Philippines: Borocay.
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