Today Debbie and I went to Frankfurt for a checkup. After finding the right office, I was given a Doppler exam - a sonogram of my Coratid arteries feeding the brain. The arteries were clear and blood flowed properly. The stint inserted during surgery is open. There are no physical restrictions and blood pressure is at normal levels.

The doctor stated following the exam: "I took the liberty to look at you documents and scans from the day of your stroke. You do realize that your condition now is absolutely amazing, in light of the damage?! Your paralyzed limbs have recovered well, your face is symmetrical. We did our part, but it is evident you have worked diligently." "Furthermore," he stated, "your further recovery is to be expected, don't get discouraged - keep pressing forward."

Marrakech has interesting dishes. Fork and knife is optional. Using a clay plate and covering called a tanjine, a dish called couscous (pronounced 'coos-coos'), with vegetables is a staple. Then some form of meat: chicken, beef - either on a skewer or in a gravy-sauce is picked up with a bread. It is not spicy, in general, although I was surprised from time to time with a burning sensation. As a result, more often than not, I chose fried squid (calamari) and shrimp.

Talking time to renew and restore the soul is a term direct from the Bible. Just as Israel neglected the sabbath, so often workaholic, Type-A people can often prioritize what God did not originally intend or design.

And then the wheels come off of the wagon. And suddenly priorities shift.

{gallery}stories,single=Canon7D.jpg,salign=right{/gallery}Society has become visual-oriented. That is not going to change anytime soon. And yet there is a glut of poorly produced, bad and plain boring videos on YouTube and elsewhere. - Photo from Philip Bloom

What is required to produce compelling videos?

I am on the road, so this synopsis is a quick cut done on an ipad, which lacks the ability to compromise the file to a smaller/streamable version. This one is 16mb, hence the slow download speed. 

Our time together us intense ministry conversations intended to expose one another to insights and strategies previously unexplored. 

music: Kari Jobe.  

Title: Be Still


Location: Baptist Center, Thieusies, Belgium.