From time to time questions are sent regarding cultural shifts for a cross-cultural ministry. Wouldn't it be great to be able to share a cup of coffee with someone living overseas and just chat?

In a four-part series, here are recent questions that have been submitted for my viewpoint. Possibly others might benefit from the dialogue.

From time to time questions are sent regarding cultural shifts for a cross-cultural ministry. Wouldn't it be great to be able to share a cup of coffee with someone living overseas and just chat?

In a four-part series, here are recent questions that have been submitted for my viewpoint. Possibly others might benefit from the dialogue.

From time to time questions are sent regarding cultural shifts for a cross-cultural ministry. Wouldn't it be great to be able to share a cup of coffee with someone living overseas and just chat?

In a four-part series, here are recent questions that have been submitted for my viewpoint. Possibly others might benefit from the dialogue.

From time to time questions are sent regarding cultural shifts for a cross-cultural ministry. Wouldn't it be great to be able to share a cup of coffee with someone living overseas and just chat?
In a four-part series, here are recent questions that have been submitted for my viewpoint. Possibly others might benefit from the dialogue.

Short term missions group
The face of missions involvement is a different landscape than it was 40 years ago. 
Gone are the days of national geographic style slide presentations from far-away lands that captivated our imaginations. (As a third grade child, I begged my work-weary mother to go to a slide show depicting rafting down the Colorado River given by Barry Goldwater - Arizona senator and ex-Presidential candidate- at our school one evening. She gave in and we went.) The invention of the Internet, the ease and affordability of international travel has enabled a new generation to desire personal involvement. No longer will the career missionary be the sole point of the spear to impact lives.