After a number of years being a work-in-progress, we are thrilled to go public with a dream that has been on our hearts for the last number of years. Debbie and I are passionate about seeing churches planted and matured. Towards this we have established a foundation, which we have funded out of our retirement funds, designed to fully fund national church planters as they plant a new church in their culture. This fund is designed to be a legacy project continuing beyond our lifetime. While possibly not the most snazzy title, it is simply called the Great Commission Church Planting Foundation.
We have vetted our first candidate and begun our two year commitment to a pastor in Togo. Trailhead has found generous donors and they have purchased property and built a facility for this church to be planted, the foundation funds the pastor with the goal of reaching the status of a fully indigenous church.
Pastor David launched his first service on Sunday, November 12th, 2023. 300 people attended the initial service with a number of people receiving Christ as their Savior. This is so exciting.
During this season of giving, I would like to present an opportunity to give to this pastor in Togo. We would like to expand his footprint and ministry impact by providing him a motorcycle. It will cost $1500.00 to provide him the motorcycle, helmet and lock, plus taxes registration. Pastor David will be able to do so much more at this crucial time of a church launch. We now have $200 on hand towards this project. Who would like to assist this pastor in visiting these new converts in order for them to grow in their new faith? You can give as a special one-time gift online via this noted url with the note - Motorcycle for Pastor David, TOGO. All funding goes directly to this project without any fees or deductions.
Currently as a foundation we seek another two pastoral candidates that meet our criteria in order to begin funding them also.