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Debbie under Chinese flagWe have made it to the beautiful city of Shanghai. It is far more modern, far prettier, far more advanced than I could have even imagined.

Some of my initial observations are comical. We stay with friends from Germany that are now hired in as engineering expertise. Part of the agreement with the host employer is that they have a driver at all times. Mr. Soon takes us around to various sites across Shanghai - always stopping in the street to make sure that I get the photo.

I have never seen more dedicated service - attention to your every whim when entering stores. If you stop and look at a product. Turn to the left and another employee is standing at your shoulder. Turn right, yet another.

On the street it is not much different. Street vendors with their wares are eager to peddle their colorful products.

The cuisine is absolutely fabulous. The only problem is my inability to use chopsticks. In that all that is served has been so tasty, I keep battling the two wooden sticks until my hand cramps. Sitting with me at the table and you would think that I have reverted to being a toddler, learning to eat. Table manners are simply gone. Disgusting what I have become, but everything is too delicious to care what others think.

One thing that has struck me is the curiosity of the locals. We have been followed a number of times by young and old alike - just wanting to get a better look. Too funny.

One of the restrictions is that Facebook is not available. Getting my Blackberry to hook up to wifi and the internet has been unsuccessful to this point. This makes communication really restricted.

We are off today to explore more of Shanghai.
