Category: Blog
Hits: 2826

The bigger an organisation becomes, the more a leader has to prioritize tasks. That is not a news flash.

So what makes it to the top of your list in your role as a leader? Of all the things that you can do, of all the things that require your attention, what is it that you alone can do?

The main thing is your role as communicator. Giving information with clarity is job number one. Information is what keeps the team in-formation.

The past few days have required that kind of personal attention. Our church has a team of seven headed to Manila to explore the possibilities of finding transferable evangelistic principles in working with teens.

Creating a platform for internet communication, almost real-time reports for the church in Germany became a priority. Many secondary pleasures had to fall to the side in order to get ministry accomplished. In the coming days both this site and a new church site will carry blog updates.

What are you doing to keep your closest circle informed and providing the feeling of being connected?