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It is a good thing when teams of people band together for a great cause - synergy is created. Putting just the right people onto a common task multiplies talents and expands impact. In light of this priority, maybe a reminder for solitude is essential.

When you enter the crucible of crisis, you enter alone. This does not exclude the principle of protection found in the local church. It does not explain away the impact of friendship or the role of encouragement from another.

The sense of being alone shocks us. Makes us feel as if something is drastically wrong. It makes us even doubt the road we traverse at the time. It is nonetheless a good reminder that the struggle of faith is always a solo flight across a vast ocean - and has not been uncommon.

While you go through faith-building experiences, as you look for a breakthrough, do not be overwhelmed by the sense of lonliness.

As my sister walked through the valley, she shared a vital lesson that resides with me still: Somedays you will have to preach to yourself, rather than listen to yourself.

Don't believe everything your heart tells you. Preach the word of God to your own heart. A dosage of solitude is a good and healthy thing.