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A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.

Francis Bacon

How intentional are you in determining your future? What question do you have that determines your focus?

Jesus stated with clarity, that doors open to those that are knocking. Seek and you will find. If a person is not looking for a specific answer to a question, then it would only seem logical that no answer will be found. The only problem with that strategy is simple: Life is reduced to being 'whatever', rather than intentional.

Somehow that seems just a little shallow. Is that how we desire our children to be in searching for a partner to marry? Is that how we choose a career? Don't we use a little better criteria in investing in a house?

What will this year hold? How intentional are you in moving forward in shaping your life? In impacting others? In honoring your Savior?

What is your one question? Formulating that is specific terms will guide your prayer life, your conversations, your reading.