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Okay this is a true story one of the most scariest plane flights I've ever had.

We take off from Bangkok in a twin engine propeller plane and climb to the elevation of 20,000 feet.
Dinner was then served and I opened and started on my meal which was a shrimp dinner. At that time a fire broke out on board.
In my mouth!
I don't know why he did not register, but of course it would be Thai food. It took 30 minutes for the fire to begin to subside - my entire mouth was numb.
Such are the challenges of traveling to new cultures. Now I will head to downtown Phnom Penh and see what dangers lurk for me today.
The family that I am visiting is a missionary family sent from our church in Germany. On Monday the wife was mugged for the first time. I'm beginning to learn that not every where is as safe as Western Europe.
She was uninjured but two people on a motorcycle stopped and hit her until she released her purse, losing all of her documents, her cell phone, wallet, money and her dignity. She is in very good spirits considering all that she has gone through - she is a very courageous woman.
Let's see if I can stay out of trouble.