Random thoughts concerning the Covid-19 Coronavirus status in our area. (Multi-tasking at 100 (65 mph) kilometers per hour, driving through a small village at the 2:00 minute mark. Don't miss the half timber homes at the 3:14 mark)

Germany is home. We sense that this adopted land and culture is our destiny and proper place to be. We have been blessed in so many ways to be able to minister in Europe and particularly in Germany.

This is a first attempt to multi-task at a vlog while commuting - I am sure it will be a work in progress while I learn the best format and settings for the hardware.
These are thoughts from verses sent to me from my Aunt Louise at the time of my graduation from high school and what they have meant to me over the years. I am so thankful for a godly heritage from my extended family.

Yes, you read it correctly - free! Here you can download for royalty free usage a five minute preservice countdown. The format size is 1920x1080 HD.

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Check out the complete list here: Countdown Videos

Yes, you read it correctly - free! Here you can download for royalty free usage a five minute preservice countdown. The format size is 1920x1080 HD.

Download the file.

Check out the complete list here: Countdown Videos