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Photocredits: Keith Gandy

Today and tomorrow our city is hosting a city festival - kind of a celebration of summer coming to a close. For two days the entire city center is filled with bands and beer tables. It was my opportunity to mingle, photograph and speak with people about Jesus. Just the kind of lift my heart needed.

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I wish that God would show me how I can impact people.

- Olesya

This is Olesya - here on a vacation trip with her son (seen below in the gallery) from St. Petersburg, Russia. We spoke about Jesus and her life calling - she works in the fashion industry. She is impacting her son as a single mother, but is deeply moved by the life work of Mother Theresa. She desires for God to speak to her, so that she clearly understands how she is to serve him. Her English is amazing.

I prayed for her and she told me that she loves the prayers of the church she attends every Sunday in Russia. Her English teacher started every class time with prayer.

Here are some of the quick portraits I shot, plus a selection of the people with whom I spoke today.


Nothing, absolutely nothing, thrills my heart and charges my batteries more than connecting people with the Lord.