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Talking time to renew and restore the soul is a term direct from the Bible. Just as Israel neglected the sabbath, so often workaholic, Type-A people can often prioritize what God did not originally intend or design.

And then the wheels come off of the wagon. And suddenly priorities shift.
While coming out of a stroke-induced coma last July, dear friends, Tim and Barbara Downs, suggested that we take a few days together in Marrakesh in January - they had plane tickets that must be used or forfeited.  It was motivation to get better and Debbie and I gladly accepted the opportunity to spend time with these dear experienced and dedicated church-planters. 
It is so important to have safe friends - saints that watch your soul, yet you know you will not be judged or attacked. The Downs are safe people that are humble enough to wash feet, and so experienced that they always challenge me to walk with Jesus in faith. 
Our first impressions of exotic, mystical Marrakech were fascination and wonder. I share some of this fascination via photos I shot.